As you may know knife crime is on the increase over the Holidays and as a result, Mullingar Dojo will host a Knife Seminar with Filipino Martial Arts (4th Dan) teacher Donal Connaughton on Saturday 22nd Febryuary.
The seminar will be for Teenagers from 10.30-11.30am and Adults (Over 16yrs) from 11.30-1.30pm. The cost is only €7.
Please bring training knife and safety goggles if you have them. Donal's children train at Mullingar Kyokushin Dojo, and he runs his own club (Midlands Filipino Martial Arts www.midlandsfma.com ) .He is also a primary school teacher. Donal learnt his art from Master Ding Llanera from the Plillippines (now resident in Ireland) and gained his Instructor's Licence in 2006. All are welcome to attend. Contact Sensei Ken on 086 1676358 for any more information.
Ken Fitzpatrick