Well done to all especially to Sensei Jon Maher for organising our participation.
Irish Karate Kyokushinkai |
The IKK were part of a group of Martial Artists who preformed demos at the Experience Japan festival in the Phoenix Park Dublin on Sunday 12th April 2015. Well done to all especially to Sensei Jon Maher for organising our participation. Osu
For the past few years the Irish Karate Kyokushinkai have been sending a junior clicker team to the Severn Challenge (Cup of Europe). Juniors are aged 12 - under 16. This year we will also be sending a Pee Wee team. Pee Wees are aged 8 - under 12.
Senpai Dave King of Galway dojo is our Junior coach and he has provided me with these dates for Junior and Pee Wee Squad sessions: Prospective dates for squad sessions: (All Sundays, so as not to conflict with the knockdown sessions, Venues to be decided) 12th April 26th April 10th May 24th May 31st May 21st June (Selection for Severn Challenge begins) 12th July 26th July 9th August 23rd August 6th September 20th September The Severn Challenge is usually held in England or Wales but we hope to have confirmation of the Venue soon. These dates and others are available in the IKK Calendar. Shane Osu The Irish Karate Kyokushinkai and many of its clubs have social media accounts along with the International Federation of Karate. They are listed below so please like or friend the Facebook accounts and follow the Twitter ones. If there are any accounts missing please send them on to Sensei Shane (Details on the Contact us page). Osu Shane Facebook: Irish Karate Kyokushinkai: https://www.facebook.com/IrishKarateKyokushinkai Finglas dojo: https://www.facebook.com/FinglasKyokushinClub Galway dojo: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005128275522 Mullingar dojo: https://www.facebook.com/mullingarkyokushinkai.karateclub Minamigawa dojo: https://www.facebook.com/minamigawa.dojo North Strand dojo: https://www.facebook.com/northstrandkyokushin Swords dojo: https://www.facebook.com/swordskyokushinkai International Federation of Karate: https://www.facebook.com/IFKKyokushin Twitter: Irish Karate Kyokushinkai: https://twitter.com/IfkIreland Galway dojo: https://twitter.com/GalwayDojo Minamigawa dojo: https://twitter.com/MinamigawaDojo Swords Dojo: https://twitter.com/swordskyokushin International Federation of Karate: https://twitter.com/ifkkyokushin Osu
November 2015