Please see attached photo of (l) to (r) Bridget Clarke (Westport Dojo), Hanshi Steve Arneil (10th Dan U.K.), Sensei Ken Fitzpatrick (Mullingar Dojo) and Senpai Anthony Walsh (Westport Dojo) who took part in the recent British Karate Kyokushinkai Summer Camp in Essex , England.
This camp is well known throughout the world and well attended. Hanshi Steve Arneil who recently turned 80 is famous for having trained under the legendary Mas Oyama. Hanshi Arneil was the first man ever to achieve the 100-man Kumite test, an outstanding achievement for a non-Japanese at the time.
He continues to teach on a regular basis and his body and mind remain as sharp as ever. It is worth noting that Senpai Anthony Walsh has now attended 7 British Summer camps in a row and will test for his Sensei (3rd Dan Grade) at the Irish (IKK) Camp at the end of September 2014. Check out www.kyokushinireland for Kyokushin Dojos near you.
Regards, Ken.